Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My Perception of Life after Reading Oedipus The King.

After reading the Oedipus Rex which is written by Sophocles, I feel that life is being predestined as the protagonist, Oedipus who is the king of Thebes was suffer from his unavoidable dooms. In my opinion, I strongly feel that our fate is being controlled by god and it is unpredictable. As I read the play, I believe that "The gods" made the prophecies that led Oedipus into disaster. The sphinx appeared and she must have been sent by the gods, and Oedipus solved her riddle when he first came to Thebes. The chorus says he must have been guided by the gods in order to solve the riddle. At the beginning, Apollo's oracle simply says, "Find the killer" of King Laius then this leads to the cruel ironies of the play. Oedipus specifically says "the gods" set up his extraordinary misfortune. And at the end, Apollo merely gives Oedipus the strength to carve his own eyes out of their sockets. The ending is very ambiguous as the dead are more fortunate than the living, because they do not experience pain. Is life really that bad? Therefore, I think no matter how hard is my life and what obstacle that I will be going to deals with, I will always remember that “What we can’t duck, we best welcome”. I do cherish every moment in my life and not take everything for granted.

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